Our Services

  • Involves Nerve Conduction Studies and Electromyography which are useful for diagnosis and treatment of chronic unresolved neck or back pain, paresthesia (tingling, numbness) in upper and lower limbs and unexplained neuromuscular weakness and suspected radiculopathy (pinched nerve/sciatica).

  • Chronic Opioid Therapy and Medications Management: for patients with chronic refractory pain who do not respond to non–narcotic medication and have already tried other modalities of treatment without success.

    Medical Marijuana Certification: in compliance with the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act and associated administrative rules; medical marijuana certification is provided to qualifying patients with chronic debilitating musculoskeletal (muscle, joint and tendon) and neurological illness (nerve, brain) related illnesses and pain.

  • EMG Guided Botox injection: is useful in the management of spasticity from stroke or other CNS (brain) lesions by enhancing range of motion and preventing the development of contractures. This is also useful for treating pain and dysfunction secondary to cervical dystonia and torticollis (neck bending). Botox is also useful for fibromyalgia/myofascial pain patients not responding to trigger point injections and patients with refractory migraines.

    Trigger Point Injections: are useful for relieving pain from trigger points in patients with fibrillation and myofascial pain.

    Soft Tissue Injections: for conditions such as plantar fasciitis, epicondylitis, and tendonitis.

    Intra-articular Injections (inside joint): for knee and shoulder joint.

    Knee Joint Viscosupplementation: for advanced moderate to severe osteoarthritis of knee joint.

    Regenerative Medicine: can be simply understood as the rehabilitation of ligaments and tendons by induction of fibrosis. The goal of this therapy is to induce production of fibrous tissue to strengthen ligaments and tendons. This is accomplished by injection of a proliferant solution (fibrosis inducing) material into the affected tissue patients who might benefit from this include:

    • Patients with chronic pain from ligaments and tendons secondary to strains and sprains.

    • Patients with pain from chronic overuse or occupational conditions such as tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow.

    • Patients with chronic sacroiliac joint dysfunction.

    • Patients with chronic temporomandibular joint dysfunction.

    Occipital Nerve Blocks: are useful for treatment of chronic headaches due muscle imbalance and migraine.

    Carpal Tunnel Nerve Blocks: useful in the treatment of pain and paresthesia (numbness/tingling) secondary to moderate-severe carpal tunnel syndrome.

    Peripheral Nerve Stimulation and Neuromodulation (Stimulator): for patients not responding to treatment with medications and injections.

    Electrotherapy: useful for treating patients with chronic refractory pain of musculoskeletal (muscle, bone and tendon) or neurological (nerve related) origin.